HL Deb 29 July 1974 vol 353 cc2039-41

2.54 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether, arising from the written reply dated July 26 in reference to accidents occurring on the 21½ mile stretch of the A.23 between Pyecombe and Patcham, of which there have been 42 either serious or fatal in the last three years, they will take steps to make the road safer by putting in a central reservation to divide more effectively Southbound/Northbound traffic on that stretch.


My Lords, a scheme for the improvement of the A.23 from North of Bolney to Brighton is now in the preparation pool. Meanwhile, dual-ling of a short section immediately South of the junction with the A.281 is to be undertaken next year, financial provision having been made.


My Lords, while thanking the noble Lord for that reply, may I ask whether he can tell the House exactly what improvement is going to be made on that stretch?


My Lords, the second part of my Answer indicated exactly what is going to be done within the next year. In so far as the rest of the A.23 is concerned, a considerable amount of work is involved and at this stage it would be absurd of me to indicate that any firm decisions have been made with regard to the whole road.


My Lords, while again thanking the noble Lord may I ask him this question? I am not concerned with the rest of the A.23 but with this particular section on which he will agree with me that the carnage has been quite considerable. Would he consider, as I suggested, putting a central reservation down that extremely dangerous four-lane highway?


My Lords, I appreciate that in the Question the noble Lord asked he gave the information that in the last three years some 42 fatal and serious accidents had occurred. The House ought to know that of that 42, 7 were fatal. No one can be complacent while there is one fatal accident, but that was the proportion. In regard to the noble Lord's supplementary question, I can go no further than I have done. The problem has been studied considerably. Most of the accidents occur as a result of right-hand turns. I will repeat that the whole length of the A.23 is under consideration. It may well be that the really satisfactory solution about the two places pinpointed by the noble Lord will be extremely expensive and involve planning considerations and a number of other matters. I say that so that the House will appreciate that this is not a problem that lends itself in the long term to a simple solution, and there is no short-term solution that will overcome all the risks.


My Lords, is the noble Lord aware that when the last Government were in office we pledged that we would very speedily rectify not having safety barriers down "M" roads? I agree that this point goes rather wide of the Question, but the principle is important. Is the noble Lord aware that one or two new parts of "M" roads have recently been opened without a central barrier? Can the noble Lord inform the House that lack of safety barriers is not forming part of any economy measures?


My Lords, the noble Lord is indeed going rather wide of the Question. If he cares to put down a Question on that particular matter dealing with roadways I shall be delighted to deal with it, even if it has to be after October 15.


My Lords, is the noble Lord alive to the great danger of this particular stretch of road? There are two streams of traffic southwards and two northwards, from and into Brighton. The speed limit is 70 m.p.h. It is used as a race track by people anxious to get into and out of Brighton. Will he realise there is a tremendous urgency in this matter?


My Lords, am aware of it. I occasionally use the road myself. In consulting with officials I have made the very points that my noble friend Lord Royle has made. We must bear in mind that this is not the only piece of road where work is required. Accidents are occurring all over the country and it is a matter of priorities. I agree that the road is used as a race track, and it seems to me that this is much worse this year than it has been at any time before.


My Lords, when do the Government expect that the section of the motorway M.23, by-passing Redhill and Reigate and Crawley, will be opened?


My Lords, as someone who lives not too far away I should myself be delighted to know the answer to that question.


My Lords, is the noble Lord aware that the answer is "Next year"?


My Lords, if the answer is, "Next year". then I hope the noble Lord will agree with me that we shall believe it when we see it.