HL Deb 25 July 1974 vol 353 cc1880-1

[Nos. 101 to 104]

After Clause 72 insert the following new clause:

"Cable burning

—(1) A person who burns insulation from a cable with a view to recovering metal from the cable shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection unless the place at which he does so is a work registered in pursuance of section 9 of the Alkali Act.

(2) Section 16A of the Alkali Act (which, as amended by this Act, provides that certain offences under that Act shall be punishable on summary conviction by a fine not exceeding £400 or £50 a day in the case of certain continuing offences and that proceedings for the offences shall not be brought in England and Wales except by an inspector or with the consent of the Secretary of State) shall apply to an offence under the preceding subsection as it applies to the offences mentioned in that section.".

Clause 73, page 90, line 30, at end insert: "or by exercising the powers conferred on the authority by subsection 1(a) of this section

Clause 76, page 93, line 31, leave out "of" and insert "containing".


Clause 76, page 93,line 35. at end insert: "and

(ii) such information (if any) as the Secretary of State may determine, or as may be determined by or under regulations, with respect to any appeal in pursuance of the preceding section which was against a notice served by the authority and which the Secretary of State did not dismiss".

Clause 78, page 94, leave out lines 32 to 35.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 101 to 104. The chief change in Part IV is in the new clause (No. 101) dealing with cable burning. The recovery of metal by burning the insulation of cable is a process registrable under the Alkali Act. This new clause removes a doubt whether burning done in the open is covered by that Act, and makes sure that it can be properly regulated.

The Amendments to Clause 76 (Nos. 103, 103A) fulfil an undertaking given to my noble friend Lady White. The public registers of information collected will include basic information on successful appeals under Clause 75 and can, at the Secretary of State's discretion, include more details about appeals on grounds of excessive costs. Two further Amendments (Nos. 102 and 104) deal with drafting points.

I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 101 to 104.

Moved, That this House does agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 101 to 104.—(Lord Garnsworthy.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.