HL Deb 18 December 1974 vol 355 cc1165-6

My Lords, a Statement is being made in the other place today about business to be taken in the EEC Council of Ministers during January. With the leave of the House, I will arrange for this Statement to be made available in the OFFICIAL REPORT, as has been the practice in recent months.

Following is the Statement referred to: I will, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, and that of the House, make a Statement about business to be taken in the Council of Ministers of the European Community during January. The monthly forecast for January was deposited yesterday. The House will understand that because of the Recess my Statement has had to be made earlier than usual in the month. At present five meetings of the Council of Ministers are proposed for January. Agriculture Ministers will meet on the 13th-14th and 20th-22nd; Foreign Ministers on the 20th-2Ist; Finance Ministers on the 27th and Development Ministers on dates yet to be set. It may also be necessary for Ministers to discuss the latest position in the negotiations with the developing sugar producing countries. Agriculture Ministers will resume their discussion of Community Farm Prices for 1975–76 and of proposals for the beef régime. The Foreign Affairs Council will be the first since the recent Heads of Government meeting in Paris about which my right honourable friend the Prime Minister made a Statement last Monday, 16th December. It is likely that the Foreign Ministers will wish to review the outcome of that meeting, although the full agenda for the Council is not yet available. The agenda for Finance Ministers is also not known although they are likely to have their usual monthly discussions on the economic situation in the Community. Development Ministers will consider the release of a further Community contribution to the UN Emergency measures; a Commis- sion proposal on guidelines for a new Aid Framework for the Community; and Food Aid Policy. There is also likely to be a ministerial meeting between the EEC and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to conclude the negotiations for a new Convention of Association.