HL Deb 06 November 1973 vol 346 cc248-9

My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That until further order—

  1. (a) the Special Orders Committee shall not take into consideration any Special Order unless it has been referred to them by the Chairman of Committees on the ground that it appears to him that the Order would, but for the provisions of the Act authorising the making of the Special Order, require to be enacted by a Private or Hybrid Bill;
  2. (b) if the Special Orders Committee are of the same opinion as the Chairman of Committees, that is to say, that the Special Order is of the kind described in Standing Order 216(3)(b), 249 paragraphs (4) and (6) of that Order shall apply, but with the omission from paragraph (6) of the words "In every case" to the end;
  3. (c) if the Special Orders Committee are not of that opinion, they shall report that fact to the House forth-with and shall take no further action on the Special Order;
  4. (d) Standing Order 216(8) shall have effect as though for the words "of the Special Orders Committee thereon" there were substituted the words "thereon of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments and (in the case of any Special Order referred to the Special Orders Committee) that of the Special Orders Committee".—(The Earl of Listowel.)


My Lords, I should like to ask the Chairman of Committees whether we shall be taking into account the further Report of the Brooke Committee dealing with the subject of Hybrid Orders, and to ask in particular, if there is a delay, that we should give some consideration to certain ambiguities in Standing Order No. 216 which the debate on the Roche Order revealed as to the meaning of the words "departmental inquiry". I hope that the noble Earl will bear this in mind and, if necessary, bring it before the Procedure Committee for further consideration.


My Lords, the purpose of this Motion is to provide an interim procedure for dealing with Hybrid Special Orders, as the noble Lord the Leader of the Opposition is well aware, pending the Report of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. If there is any delay in receiving this Report I will give careful consideration to what the noble Lord has suggested. I have no doubt that what he has said will be borne in mind by the Lords Members of the Joint Committee.

On Question, Motion agreed to.