HL Deb 24 July 1973 vol 344 cc1765-6

[No. 4] Clause 3, page 3, line 8, leave out "by virtue of section 1(1)(a) above".


My Lords, this Amendment relates to the new power which is given to the Council to pay grants to other bodies or persons, and removes a limitation in Clause 3 on the types of project which the Council may grant-aid. Under the clause as it stood, the Council had power to pay grants towards the cost of projects which the Council themselves had power to carry on by virtue of Clause 1(1)(a). The types of project which the Council can carry on under that provision relate to the establishment, maintenance and management of nature reserves and the provision of advice and the dissemination of knowledge. The effect of this Amendment is to remove this limitation and to give the Council a general power to grant-aid any project of a type which the Council can themselves carry on. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 4.

Moved That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Baroness Young.)


My Lords, I must intervene; I cannot help it. The noble Lord, Lord Zuckerman, who is the greatest expert in the world, objects to a certain number of these things. He must be allowed to speak and to make his objections. With that, I sit down.


My Lords, I think the difficulty here was that the Question had already been put to the House when the noble Lord, Lord Zuckerman, got up. I am sure that nobody in the House would wish to do anything other than encourage the noble Lord, Lord Zuckerman, for whom we all have a very great respect.


Then let the noble Lord make his objection to this thing. He has not been allowed to say it. We are all fair. We all want a fair debate. We all know that we have the greatest expert in the world in this House. Let Lord Zuckerman say what his objections are.