HL Deb 24 October 1972 vol 335 c2132

[No. 9]

Clause 57, page 35, line 41, at end insert "section 31 so far as it relates to section 67(5) of the Shops Act 1950."

The Commons agreed to this Amendment, but proposed the following Amendment thereto:

[No. 10]

Line 2, at end insert "section 55(1) and Schedule 2 so far as they relate to the Road Traffic Act 1972".


My Lords, the clause which allows disqualification from driving a vehicle for people who have committed a criminal offence (it is Clause 23 of the Bill that we are dealing with at this stage, because we are dealing with the Bill as it first arrived at this House) involves some consequential Amendments which need to be made to the Road Traffic Act 1972, the Consolidation Act. The criminal disqualification applies to Scotland as well as to England and Wales. We therefore have to make the consequential Amendments apply to Scotland as well, and somebody with a particularly sharp and acute eye noticed that we had failed to do so. The Amendment which the Commons have made to our Amendment puts this right, and I beg to move that we agree with them in it.

Moved, that this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment to the Lords Amendment.—(Viscount Colville of Culross.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.