HL Deb 02 November 1972 vol 336 cc150-1

THE EARL OF LISTOWEL rose to move, That the Sixth Report from the Select Committee, made on the 26th October in the last Session of Parliament, be agreed to.

The Committee's Report was as follows:


The Committee agreed to the installation of a T.V. Annunciator System showing the names of speakers in the House, similar to that in the House of Commons, to replace the existing Tannoy System.


  1. (a) The clerk of the Parliaments informed the Committee of the appointment of Mr. Charles Hamilton Hovell-Thurlow Cumming-Bruce as a Clerk in the Parliament Office from the 17th October, 1972.
  2. (b) The Committee sanctioned the regrading of certain posts in the Parliament Office and authorised the rates of pay for these posts.
  3. (c) The Committee authorised an additional post of Office Assistant in the Printed Paper Office.
  4. (d) The Committee also authorised the payment of a special gratuity to Clerks and Senior Clerks for additional duties during the period 5th June, 1972 to the end of the present Session.


The Committee authorised an increase in the allowances for the purchase of dress clothes accessories and the maintenance of dress clothes.


The Committee sanctioned the payment of the following superannuation awards under the 1972 scheme:—

  1. (a) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. Nellie Willbourne, Personal Assistant, who retired on the 3rd October, 1972;
  2. (b) Death Gratuity to legal personal representative of Reginald Andrew Scott (deceased), former Doorkeeper who died on the 27th September, 1972, and a widow's pension.


The Committee approved an increase in the rate of meal allowance payable to certain officials working late in the evening after a normal day's duty.


The Committee agreed to the proposal of the Sub-Committee on Works of Art that two sets of panels below the galleries displaying coats of arms should be illuminated for an experimental period next Session.

The noble Earl said: My Lords, I beg to move that this Report be agreed to.

Moved, That the Report be agreed to.—(The Earl of Listowel.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.