HL Deb 28 July 1971 vol 323 cc401-2

2.10 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the second Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have seen the report Financing the Preservation of Old Buildings issued by the Civic Trust; whether they agree with its recommendation that a National Buildings Conservation Fund should be set up, to which local and central Government would contribute half, and whether they will now reinstate the commitment of £3 million a year central and local government expenditure on historic towns and buildings which they cancelled on January 1, 1971.]


Yes, my Lords. A copy of the report was sent to me by the Chairman of the Civic Trust on July 19. Among its recommendations is one calling for Government initiative in attracting private capital to a National Buildings Conservation Fund, which could be used to provide loans to help local trusts to acquire and restore historic buildings. The Government are already studying the various recommendations in this useful report. These, however, differ in scope from the proposal for a conservation grant for historic towns; on this, as the noble Lord knows, the Government are deferring judgment until more experience is available from pilot projects in conservation in the four historic towns specially selected for study.


My Lords, are the Government aware that those who feel that there should be more Government money for historic towns and buildings do not perhaps care too much whether that comes about in accordance with the recommendations of one report or of another, but that all those who have studied the matter agree that there must be more money? Will they please make it forthcoming by the means of their choice as soon as posible, and when will that be?


Yes, my Lords. Her Majesty's Government agree with that general proposition, and for that reason we have already taken the step of increasing the allocation to the Historic Buildings Council by the substantial amount of £300,000.