HL Deb 11 May 1970 vol 310 cc410-1

My Lords, I beg to move That this Bill be now read a third time.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 3a.—(Lord Hughes.)

On Question, Bill read 3a, with the Amendments.

Clause 5 [Amendment of s. 8 of Building (Scotland) Act 1959]:

LORD HUGHES moved Amendment No. 1: Page 9, line 30, leave out ("49(1)") and insert ("50(1)").

The noble Lord said: My Lords, this is a minor drafting Amendment to Clause 5, which is needed because of the re-numbering of the Interpretation Clause of the Roads (Scotland) Bill. At the Report stage we added a new clause, now No. 37, to the Roads Bill; and we have to alter the reference in the Building Bill from section 49 to section 50, otherwise the interpretation of highway authority does not make any sense at all. I beg to move.

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, I beg to move that the Bill do now pass.

Moved, That the Bill do now pass.—(Lord Hughes.)

On Question, Bill passed, and returned to the Commons.