HL Deb 17 December 1970 vol 313 c1507

My Lords, I have it in command from Her Majesty to deliver to your Lordships a Message, signed with her own hand, respecting the State of Emergency. The Message is as follows:

"Her Majesty by Proclamation dated December 12 1970 having declared that the industrial dispute affecting persons employed in the electricity supply industry did in her opinion constitute a State of Emergency within the meaning of the Emergency Powers Act 1920, as amended by the Emergency Powers Act 1964, and it having appeared to Her Majesty that the State of Emergency has now ceased to exist, Her Majesty has deemed it proper by Proclamation dated December 17 1970 to declare that the said Proclamation of December 12 is revoked."

That concludes the gracious Message, My Lords. I hope that it will be agreeable to your Lordships if, as provided by Standing Order No. 27, I move that this Message be taken into consideration, and that a humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, when we consider the Motion in my name already on the Order Paper to-day relating to Her Majesty's gracious Message on Monday last.

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