§ THE LORD CHANCELLOR (LORD GARDINER)My Lords, I beg to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.
§ Moved, That in the present Session a Committee of twelve Lords be appointed to join with a Committee of the House of Commons as a Joint Committee to consider the following classes of Bills:—
- 1. All Consolidation Bills whether public or private;
- 2. Statute Law Revision Bills;
- 3. Bills prepared pursuant to the Consolidation of Enactments (Procedure Act 1949), together with any and any representations made with respect thereto;
- 4. Bills to consolidate any enactments with amendments to give effect to recommendations made by one or both of the Law Commissions, together with any report containing such recommendations:
- 5. Bills prepared by one or both of the Law Commissions to promote the reform of the Statute Law by the repeal, in accordance with the Law Commission recommendations, of certain enactments which (except in so far as their effect is preserved) are no longer of practical utility, and by making other provision in connection with
847 the repeal of those enactments, together with any Law Commission report on any such Bill;
- V. Colville of Culross,
- V. Brentford,
- L. Rathcreedan,
- L. Cawley,
- L. Meston,
- L. Guest,
- L. Ilford,
- L. Upjohn,
- L. Royle,
- L. Segal,
- L. Wells-Pestell,
- L. Lloyd of Hampstead:
§ That such Committee have power to agree with the Committee of the House of Commons in the appointment of a Chairman.—(The Lord Chancellor.)
§ On Question, Motion agreed to: Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith and to desire them to appoint an equal number of their Members to be joined with the said Lords.