HL Deb 13 May 1969 vol 302 cc2-3

2.32 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will suggest to the British Airports Authority that London (Gatwick) Airport be re-named Winston S. Churchill Airport.]


My Lords, this is an imaginative suggestion, but to change the name of an existing airport raises a number of difficulties. No such problems, of course, would arise in the ease of a new airport.


My Lords, I am obliged to the noble Lord for that reply. While I accept the difficulties involved in changing the name of any airport, would not the noble Lord agree that there is a well-established precedent for this in the case of New York airport? Secondly, would he further undertake or perhaps agree to press the British Airports Authority to adopt this name for the third London Airport, if it is not thought possible to change the name of Gatwick?


My Lords, I do not agree to press the British Airports Authority, but, as I say, it is an imaginative idea and one which might well be discussed to see what the general opinion is. Of course there arc other interests concerned.