HL Deb 24 June 1969 vol 303 cc76-7

My Lords, in rising to move the Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper, I should like to remind the House only that these two Amendments to our Standing Orders are consequential on Reports from the Procedure Committee which have already been before your Lordships and agreed to. The first Amendment arises from the Second Report of the Procedure Committee on July 10, which was agreed to by the House on July 25, and the second Amendment, which is rather longer, arises from the Committee's First Report this Session, to which the House agreed on May 8 last. I beg to move.

Moved, 1. That Standing Order No. 55 be amended as follows: line 2, after ("session") insert ("or, in his absence, a Deputy Chairman").

2. That the following new Standing Order be inserted after Standing Order No. 63:

Public Petitions

63A.—(1) No Petition, other than a Petition relating to Judicial or Private Business, shall be received, unless it is presented by a Lord and bears his signature.

(2) A Lord may present a Petition in person to the House, or may deposit it with the Clerk of the Parliaments, or may hand it in at the Table of the House.

(3) In presenting a Petition in person to the House, a Lord may only read out the Prayer of the Petition and state the number of Petitioners who have signed it.

(4) A Petition to which this Standing Order applies shall not be printed, unless a Lord gives notice of a Motion relating to it for a particular day.—(Lord Shackleton.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.