HL Deb 25 July 1969 vol 304 cc1180-2

11.13 a.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what progress has been made in plans for the development, for recreational purposes, of the River Lea and its banks.]


My Lords, the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority was set up on January 1, 1967, under the Lee Valley Regional Park Act. Last March the Authority published an imaginative development plan. It provides for the development of the Park, which extends from Stratford, in East London, to Ware, in Hertfordshire, a distance of 23 miles. To date the Park Authority have acquired some 300 acres and they are negotiating for another 225 acres. A start has been made on the construction of the first major recreational centre at Picketts Lock in the London borough of Enfield, to provide a multi-purpose sports and leasure centre. Other projects are programmed for early development, including an adventure playground and outdoor play areas on a 9 acre site at Three Mills in the London Borough of Newham.


My Lords, while thanking my noble friend for that reply, may I ask whether he is aware that this project will be of tremendous advantage to a multitude of people? In particular can my noble friend say whether anything is being done to clear away the decaying old houseboats and other craft along the river, particularly adjoining the borough of Waltham Forest?


My Lords, I am well aware that the project will be of great advantage to many people. As to the question of houseboats, this will be a matter for the Park Authority, who certainly have wide enough powers to carry out that sort of work.


My Lords, while declaring an interest as a member of the Sports Council, may I ask my noble friend whether he is aware that having spent a great deal of time looking at this project over the past few years we greatly welcome what has been done, and we look forward to the day when this scheme is fully implemented? Would not my noble friend agree that at the moment the only obstacle preventing its implementation is the restriction on capital expenditure?


No, my Lords, I would not quite agree that the only obstacle in the way of implementation is the restriction on capital expenditure. Certainly that restriction is slowing up the development to a speed that is not at all welcome to the Government or anybody else, but in a project of this magnitude there are always obstacles other than financial ones, all of which will be overcome in due course.


My Lords, can the noble Lord confirm that I am right in thinking that in the original plan for this Park drawn up by the Civic Trust there was provision for a voluntary organisation to be brought into being to exist alongside the statutory body brought into life by the Act? Has that plan for a voluntary organisation been adopted? If not, why not? If it has, what is the voluntary organisation up to?


My Lords, like other planning and pseudo-planning authorities this Authority must and do rely very largely on the participation and cooperation of people who live there grouped into voluntary organisations and not so grouped. On the details about how they do it, I would ask the noble Lord to give me notice of that question, and perhaps I can inform him later.


My Lords, I will certainly do that; but cannot the noble Lord say whether the voluntary organisation is in being?


No, my Lords; I regret that I cannot.

Viscount ST. DAVIDS

My Lords, has my noble friend any information on whether the complementary plan in the Colne Valley South of Uxbridge to the West of London has started?


My Lords, that is another question.