HL Deb 22 January 1969 vol 298 c949

3.54 p.m.


My Lords, I hope that the right reverend Prelate the Bishop of Leicester will forgive me for intervening when he should be addressing your Lordships, but it has come to my notice that the Minister of Agriculture, in reply to a number of Questions in another place, is making an important Statement on eggs, and in view of the interest that is taken in this House in this subject I wonder whether the noble Lord the Captain of the Gentlemen at Arms could repeat that Statement here.


My Lords, with the permission of the House, I will repeat the Statement as made by my right honourable friend in the other place. He begins by saying that: The Statement is rather long. I am making copies available in the Library now, and I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT". I will make the same arrangements for this House.

He goes on to say: Broadly, however, the Government accept that in the changing circumstances of the industry it would now be right to move to a free marketing system. We intend to phase out the egg subsidy over the next five years and propose to remove eggs from the guarantee under the Agriculture Acts from April 1. 1974. We have asked the Marketing Board to continue with its present functions for the next two years, but we intend to establish a new central authority for eggs whose functions would include support buying and to move to a basically free marketing system from April 1, 1971. The Government intend to introduce the necessary legislation as soon as possible. In view of the phasing out of the subsidy and the transition to a free market, we shall also be embarking on discussions with overseas suppliers with a view to introducing minimum import prices for shell eggs and egg products.

[Following is the text of the full Statement made by the Miniser]: