HL Deb 15 April 1969 vol 301 cc1-2

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the first Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper. May I add that it was tabled many weeks ago.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have informed the Organisation of African Unity that the purpose of the Prime Minister's visit to Lagos is to encourage an international arms embargo, a cease-fire, a meeting of both sides without pre-conditions, and the opening of a mercy corridor for relief, in order to bring the Nigerian/Biafra war to an end and to alleviate hunger.]


My Lords, my right honourable friend the Prime Minister had discussions in Addis Ababa with His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia who is Chairman of the Organisation of African Unity's Consultative Committee on Nigeria and with the Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity. He explained the British Government's thinking on the steps necessary to achieve a settlement and gave a full account of his talks in Lagos, on which he has reported fully in another place.


My Lords, while thanking my noble friend, may I ask whether he is aware that I am among those who do not regard the Prime Minister's visit to Lagos and Addis Ababa as fruitless, despite the failure to meet Colonel Ojukwu? May I particularly ask this question? In view of the meeting, of the African Heads of State at Lusaka to-day, and the meeting of the Consultative Committee to prepare for mediation in Nigeria, will Her Majesty's Government indicate to those African representatives our full co-operation in their efforts to bring this war to an end?


My Lords, I do not think any special initiative needs to be taken, because all countries in the O.A.U. know of our concern and our willingness to help if we were asked.

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