HL Deb 22 October 1968 vol 296 c1446

2.55 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to move that the Commons Amendments to certain of the Lords Amendment and Commons consequential Amendment to the Bill be now considered.

Moved, That the Commons Amendments and Commons consequential Amendment be now considered.—(Lord Kennet.)


My Lords, the Marshalled List contains for convenience of reference not only the Commons Amendments which this House has now to consider but also the original Lords Amendments to which the Commons Amendments relate. I shall, of course, call the Commons Amendments only. I should also explain that on page 12 of the Marshalled List, the Commons Amendment printed after Amendment No. 24 lacks a number. I propose to refer to it as Amendment No. 24A.


My Lords, I am much obliged to the noble Lord, Lord Beswick, for agreeing to take this Bill now, and naturally I agree will the Motion which has been moved by the noble Lord, Lord Kennet. I should like to suggest that the House might care to take the Commons Amendments formally. I can speak only for my Party officially on this matter, but these, are all Amendments which are acceptable to us indeed, I think that in many respects they are an improvement on the Amendments which we sent from this House to the other place.


My Lords, that is acceptable to noble Lords on these Benches, and unless there is any noble Lord who wishes to speak to these Amendments I will, with the leave of the House, move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments—


My Lords, I have not yet put the Question on the Motion, That the Commons Amendments to certain of the Lords Amendments and the Commons consequential Amendment be now considered.

On Question, Motion agreed to.