HL Deb 30 May 1968 vol 292 cc1227-9

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will introduce legislation compelling all articulated vehicles to be fitted with an anti-jack-knife device.]


My Lords, jack-knifing has a number of causes and there are a number of ways in which the construction and brakes of a vehicle might be developed, or special devices fitted, to help deal with the problem. But none of these methods is yet fully proven; they need to be tested more extensively under a wide range of operating conditions before their efficiency can be fully established. Trials are in progress and the scope of these is to be ex- tended. Until they are satisfied that one or more methods are available which would effectively improve safety, Her Majesty's Government would not propose to introduce legislation requiring specific devices to be fitted. This may not be the best answer, and legislation now might inhibit other alternatives.


My Lords, I thank the noble Lord for that reply. Is he aware that there have been a number of very tragic accidents as a result of the jackknifing of articulated lorries, and is it not true that there is a device now in operation which has proved successful in preventing these accidents? If there is to be legislation, and I hope there will be, can Her Majesty's Government give an assurance that this matter will be treated as one of urgency before further avoidable accidents occur?


Yes, my Lords, we are all aware of these tragic accidents caused by or where articulated vehicles are involved, but we ought to remember that all the accidents in which they are involved are not really caused by these particular vehicles. My right honourable friend is aware of that. All of us who are interested in the question of road safety are concerned that we should improve the situation so far as these vehicles are concerned, but, as I pointed out in my original Answer, many trials and tests have been and continue to be made, and until we get the right solution to this problem I believe it would be wrong to introduce legislation such as the noble Lord has advocated.


My Lords, having regard to the very large and increasing number of articulated vehicles on the road would my noble friend say whether or not, if and when legislation is introduced, that legislation will be made retrospective?


My Lords, I promise my noble friend I will draw this point to the notice of my right honourable friend.


My Lords, would the noble Lord be kind enough to give his opinion whether having lower bumpers on the back of some articulated vehicles would reduce accidents? Some very unpleasant accidents occur because of the high tail boards hitting windscreens and the car sliding underneath the bottom of the articulated section of the vehicle.


My Lords, I regret I cannot give the noble Lord an official answer to that question, but I promise to draw my right honourable friend's attention to it.