HL Deb 23 May 1968 vol 292 c872

[Nos. 9–10]

Clause 16, page 8, line 34, after ("proprietor") insert ("or registered user").

Clause 16, page 8, line 37, after ("proprietor") insert ("or registered user").


My Lords, with the leave of this House, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 9 and 10, which go together. Their purpose is to extend to registered users of a trade mark the right which Clause 16 originally conferred solely on the proprietor of the mark; namely, to call on Customs to prevent the import of specified consignments of goods bearing an infringing trade mark. This extension provides for the case where a registered user of a trade mark wants prompt action to be taken and cannot get the proprietor to move in time. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Lord Winterbottom.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.