HL Deb 08 May 1968 vol 291 cc1476-7

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they can confirm or deny reports that the B.P. oil refinery in Aden is supplying fuel for use in Russian MiG fighters used in the Yemen.]


My Lords, I understand that the Shell Company of South Yemen, a joint Shell/B.P. Company, have a contract to supply the Yemen Petroleum Corporation with oil products, including aviation fuel. Some of their supplies come from the B.P. Refinery in Little Aden. Her Majesty's Government are not in a position to confirm or deny reports on the uses to which this fuel is put.


My Lords, while thanking the noble Lord for that Answer, may I ask him whether he is aware that reports have reached me, particularly from Eritrea, and presumably confirmed in other countries in that area, that considerable consternation is felt by people in those countries about this matter, particularly as they believe that Shell/B.P. is a company which is 51 per cent. Government controlled, and that a certain degree of alarm and despondency has been built up?


My Lords, I am sorry if there is alarm and despondency in regard to this matter. I can only reply once again that I have no knowledge of how the Yemen Petroleum Corporation uses the oil products and the aviation fuel supplied to it under the contract. The noble Earl will be aware that fuel is required for many purposes, including civil aviation, but I am afraid I cannot go further than that because we have no further information.


My Lords, would it not be appropriate for Her Majesty's Government to make some inquiries to see whether or not any of this fuel from partially British-owned refineries is being used in these aircraft and, if so, to try to prevent the supplies reaching their destination?


My Lords, the noble Lord is making some assumptions of fact which I cannot accept. I am not quite sure to what he refers by "these aircraft". As I have said, I know of no way in which these products are used that is in conflict with British law and regulations or is in any way an infringement, and there is certainly no ground for intervention by us.