HL Deb 19 March 1968 vol 290 cc442-3

2.39 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the second Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government when they will announce the nature and terms of reference of the Inquiry into the siting of London's third airport.]


My Lords, the Government have nothing yet to add to the statement of February 22: the constitution of the new Committee of Inquiry, including their terms of reference and composition, are still under consideration, and an announcement will be made as soon as possible.


My Lords, I am most grateful for that reply also. Would not the noble Lord appreciate that the need for this Inquiry to get under way is most urgent? Can he give any indication of when the Government are likely to reach a decision in this matter and make their announcement?


My Lords, I quite agree with the noble Lord about the necessity for speed in this matter. The announcement will, of course, follow the discussions which we are intending to have with members of the Opposition.


My Lords, I am glad to hear the noble Lord's reference to such discussions. May I ask him when they are likely to begin and whether it is proposed in some way to associate this House with them?


Yes, my Lords. Frankly I had hoped they would have begun this week, but certain other events have rather put them back for a day or two, in any case, but they will be taking place in the next two or three days. Although it will depend to some extent upon whom the Opposition wish to represent them, I would certainly expect that some of the noble Lords from the Opposition in this House will be connected with the talks.


My Lords, may I ask whether any discussions are going to take place about the necessary international airport which is not connected with London?


My Lords, there are no talks about any other airport. I am talking, as the noble Lord knows, about the Committee of Inquiry to look into the Third London Airport.


My Lords, does the noble Lord remember that only last week he assured me that very great importance was attached to an international airport which is not going to be the Third London Airport? In view of that assurance, I am asking whether any talks are envisaged with regard to that particular airport?


My Lords, not within the next two or three days, at any rate.