HL Deb 12 March 1968 vol 290 cc90-1

2.41 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps are being taken to preserve the three mediæval and Roman bastions, with connecting wall at the Barbican site, and whether the remains of the same wall in Noble Street, at present exposed, will remain on view.]


My Lords, the three bastions and such sections of the Roman Wall as still exist between Route 11 and St. Giles, Cripplegate, have been given the protection of scheduling under the Ancient Monuments Acts. In view of the importance and interest of these remains there has been close consultation over a long period between my Department, the City of London Corporation, who are the responsible authority, and Professor Grimes, of the Roman and Mediæval London Excavation Council, on the conservation and treatment of this sector of the Wall with a view to its permanent display in a manner consistent with adjoining stretches. My Department are prepared to continue to make available the requisite skilled labour and supervision for consolidating and treating the ancient fabric. It has also been agreed with the City authorities and, so far as the section bounding the Plaisterers' Hall site is concerned, with the architects for the owners, that the Noble Street stretch of wall will remain permanently on view.


My Lords, I should like to thank the noble Lord for that encouraging and helpful reply. May I put to him two short supplementary questions? First, have any plans been made whereby it is possible for people to look at the Wall and bastions now, because the path between Route 11 and St. Giles has, I think, been closed? The second question is whether the noble Lord is aware that my noble friend the late Lord Mottistone prepared a plan showing this ground with a garden inside the Wall set out with café tables and chairs?


My Lords, I cannot give the noble Lord a detailed reply to the first of his questions, but I will give him a written answer when I have looked into the matter. The whole concept is to display the Wall. As regards the garden, I believe that discussions are going on at the moment for the building of a private garden for the Plaisterers' Company within their stretch of the Wall.


My Lords, I thank the noble Lord very much.


My Lords, arising out of the first reply, did I gather that some of these remains (if that is the right word) belong to the City of London and some to a private owner?


My Lords, the ownership is varied, but the City of London Corporation are responsible for the overall protection and display of the Wall.