HL Deb 31 January 1968 vol 288 c778

My Lords, I beg leave to withdraw the Shops (Sunday Trading) Bill. As your Lordships have already given the Bill a First Reading, I feel that a word of explanation is required. At the time this Bill was drawn up I was unable to get the help of Parliamentary draftsmen because they were so busy. Through the good offices of the noble Lord, Lord Stonham, to whom I am very grateful, after the Bill was introduced into your Lordships' House Parliamentary draftsmen examined the Bill and we had further consultations with the Home Office. It has become clear that the Bill in its present form would require a good deal of amendment. Again through the good offices of Lord Stonham, I have been offered the assistance of Parliamentary draftsmen to draft a revised Bill. I hope, therefore, in two or three weeks' time to ask your Lordships leave to introduce a revised Bill. Meanwhile, I beg leave to withdraw this Bill.

Bill, by leave, withdrawn.