HL Deb 08 April 1968 vol 291 cc13-6

3.32 p.m.


My Lords, with permission, I would now wish to reply to the Private Notice Question asked earlier by the noble Earl, Lord Jellicoe, in regard to recent disturbances in Gibraltar.

On April 4 a group of Gibraltarians signing themselves as "The Doves" published an open letter in the Gibraltar Chronicle suggesting a "positive solution to the Gibraltar question" to be embodied "in a contemporary AngloSpanish Treaty in substitution for the outmoded Treaty of Utrecht". There followed a number of detailed proposals which included one for the symbolical flying of the Spanish flag in Gibraltar along with the Union Jack, and they stated specifically that their proposals would not involve a transfer of sovereignty to Spain. The letter also said that its authors had been in direct touch with the Spanish Foreign Ministry. The Doves are a small group of professional and business men.

At about 11 o'clock on Saturday, April 5, a small crowd came to the Governor's residence and asked to see him. He saw three spokesmen who told him that the Doves did not represent the people of Gibraltar, had no right to negotiate with Spain and should he cautioned about their activities. The Governor said that he would take note of their representations but stressed that Gibraltar was a democracy and that freedom of thought and expression must be upheld. However, irresponsible elements in the crowd continued to incite public feeling against the Doves and their property. Before long the crowd had grown and were doing considerable damage including the overturning of a motor car and a bus. Two policemen were injured. At this point a small quantity of tear gas was used. The crowd then went to the Main Square where the Chief Minister, assisted by other elected members of the Legislative Council, attempted to speak to them. The Chief Minister talked with some of their representatives and pointed out the folly and danger of the crowd's action. With their help and that of his own colleagues he persuaded the crowd to disperse. Unfortunately, sections of the crowd led by a small group of hooligans began to ransack premises belonging to members of the Doves, and to overturn cars; and they also burnt a boat belonging to one of the Doves and innocent bystanders were assaulted. At this point the Governor decided, after informing the Chief Minister, to call out sufficient troops to assist in the protection of lives and property. The troops have not carried firearms but only pick handles and have been used mainly to guard points likely to attract demonstrators.

On Saturday evening the Governor spoke to the Gibraltarians on radio and television about these events. He reported yesterday, April 7, that all was then quiet in Gibraltar. Sixteen arrests were made on Saturday evening; and those accused were to appear before the magistrates' court this morning. The Governor is setting up a Commission of Inquiry under the appropriate local Ordinance. I am sure the House will join with me in deploring these disturbances, which are so uncharacteristic of Gibraltar.


My Lords, I am very grateful to the noble Lord for repeating the Statement being made in another place, and clearly we should await the report of the Commission of Inquiry before going into the details of this regettable incident. If I may express a personal opinion, I should like to say that in my view at least it is clear that the Gibraltar authorities, the Governor and Chief Minister, have acted with wisdom and with restrained firmness in their handling of what could have be en, or could still be, a difficult situation. Meanwhile, while having every sympathy for the people of Gibraltar in their present difficulties, and while believing in their right to determine their own destinies, I should like to echo what is said in the Statement about deploring this particular disturbance.


My Lords, will the Government see to it that all Gibraltarians have the right to express in a constitutional way their views, however unpopular, on the future of their country?


My Lords, I am very grateful for what the noble Earl has said, and I will see that his views, which I share, are conveyed to the Governor and Chief Minister, who have acted with very great statesmanship in a very difficult situation. In reply to the noble Lord, Lord Gladwyn, I have not the slightest shadow of doubt what is the general view in Gibraltar, that democracy is there and that this means that people should be allowed to express their views no matter how unpopular they may be, and it is now up to all in Gibraltar to see that this can be maintained.


My Lords, would not the noble Lord agree that these incidents took place in some measure through the sense of frustration and insecurity at present felt by the people of Gibraltar, due to the dilatory attitude of Her Majesty's Government, especially regarding their desire for a final Constitution since the outcome of the referendum many months ago, when they voted overwhelmingly to retain their link with this country?


My Lords, I would not myself accept that as the reason behind this disturbance. I recognise the uncertainties that exist in the minds of many in Gibraltar, and we have done our best, and I thought we had succeeded, in putting at rest many of those fears. I think it would be wrong to presume what the Commission of Inquiry will find, but I would suspect that this is the activity, not of a political organisation but of hooligans.


My Lords, may I ask one more question? The noble Lord referred to the proposals of these five Doves. Can the noble Lord confirm that there has been no change whatsoever in the Spanish attitude regarding sovereignty, and that therefore these proposals of the Doves are totally unacceptable to Her Majesty's Government?


My Lords, I think the noble Lord's question goes a good deal wider than the Statement. There has been no departure whatsoever in the view of Her Majesty's Government in regard to Gibraltar and our own relations with Spain.


My Lords, would the noble Lord agree—he has often said in the past that one of the main reasons against a negotiated settlement with Spain was the lack of democracy in that country—that if one is now not able to express one's opinion in Gibraltar without threat of physical violence to oneself or one's property, Gibraltar is in danger of becoming no more democratic than Spain itself, and that they are doing a very great disservice to themselves and their case?


My Lords, I would suggest to the noble Lord that he will have very great difficulty to find on record any statement by me that democracy does not exist in Gibraltar.


In Spain.


I thought the noble Lord referred to Gibraltar. I think the noble Lord is going very wide of the Question. This is a Statement on disturbances in Gibraltar, and I think it would be wrong to go wider than the Private Notice Question asked by the noble Earl.