HL Deb 21 June 1967 vol 283 cc1418-9

4.15 p.m.


My Lords, perhaps I may now answer the Private Notice Question put by the noble Lord, Lord St. Oswald, on what communication the Secretary of State for Defence has received from the French Government on the cancellation of the Anglo-French variable geometry aircraft. To this, my right honourable friend replied: "I have received no communication whatever from the French Government to this effect".


My Lords, I thank the noble Lord most heartily for that reply. It must give him considerable relief. He will know that we on this side of the House share with him that relief, and we hope that it will not be in any way clouded in the course of the next week or so.


My Lords, would the noble Lord then confirm that the newspaper reports are wrong?


My Lords, the noble Lord, Lord St. Oswald, has "pulled such a fast one" on me already by asking this Question at such short notice that I really think I should not speculate in regard to matters on which clearly my right honourable friend was in no position to be informative.


My Lords, would not the noble Lord be informative on one thing arising out of this; namely, that on June 7 the Secretary of State did make a statement to the effect that he anticipated that the agreement reached between himself and M. Messmer on the specification, cost and production arrangements of the aircraft, would be confirmed or otherwise in the course of this month? There is not much left of this month. Does he anticipate being able to make a statement, following upon that assurance of his right honourable friend, within this month?


My Lords, if the noble Lord would care to put down a Question and give due notice, I might be able to help him a little more.