HL Deb 06 July 1967 vol 284 c858

[No. 2]

Clause 3, page 2, line 25, leave out subsection (3) and insert— (" (3) A person shall not be guilty of an offence by virtue of subsection (1) of this section or of any order made by virtue of subsection (2) of this section—

  1. (a) by reason of anything done by him for the purpose of examining the nest of any wild bird for scientific or conservation purposes if he is an officer of, or a person for the time being approved for that purpose by, the Natural Environment Research Council; or
  2. (b) by reason of anything done by him for the purpose of photographing any wild bird or its eggs if he is a person for the time being approved for that purpose by that Council.")


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in this Amendment. The only thing that is new is paragraph (b), which makes it clear that an approved person will be able to photograph a rare bird and its nest without becoming subject to the offence of wilfully disturbing. I should myself have proposed this Amendment at an earlier stage in your Lordships' House had agreement then been reached among the various parties concerned as to the exact way in which it should be expressed. The present wording is acceptable to the photographers, to the Nature Conservancy and to the Government draftsmen, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to your Lordships.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Hurcomb.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.