HL Deb 11 December 1967 vol 287 c860

2.50 p.m.


My Lords, may I make a Business Statement about the Christmas Recess? Subject to the progress of business, it is hoped that the House will adjourn for the Christmas Recess on Wednesday, December 20, and reassemble on Tuesday, January 23, 1968.

It may also be for the convenience of the House if I mention the arrangements for this evening. There is a long list of speakers for the debate to-day, and I hope your Lordships will agree that, for the convenience of those who serve in your Lordships' House, we should adjourn for half an hour at a convenient moment near 8 o'clock. Buffet dinners will be available for your Lordships between 7.30 and 8.30 p.m.


My Lords, I am sure the House will be grateful to the noble Lord for that announcement, but I should like to ask why this House is informed only to-day about the Christmas Recess, whereas I understand that another place was informed on Thursday.


My Lords, the Statement was not exactly the same, because I am suggesting that we rise on Wednesday, whereas in another place they rise on Thursday. But I agree with the noble Earl that there has been a breakdown of communications, which I greatly regret, and I have expressed my feelings on that matter to the people concerned.


My Lords, it is not unusual for this House to rise one day earlier than another place, and I hope the noble Lord will impress upon those responsible for producing this notice that this House should be kept properly informed. It is not the first time this has happened, and it really is most discourteous to this House.


My Lords, I accept the strictures of the noble Earl, and I have already expressed the view that your Lordships, who serve voluntarily, for the larger part without any pay are, if anything, entitled to more consideration than those in the other place.