HL Deb 22 November 1966 vol 278 cc119-20

2.36 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they can now inform Parliament of the date on which the freight liner train service will be operated on the basis of open terminals.]


My Lords, since the noble Lord last raised this subject on July 28, the trade unions concerned have agreed that the freight-liners on the London-Glasgow route should be served by British Road Services vehicles. Eighty-four containers were carried for British Road Services in the week ended November 12 out of a total number of 1,124 carried on all freight liner services. Her Majesty's Government are confident that this co-operation will be extended to other routes, and negotiations to this end are continuing with the unions.


My Lords, does the Minister agree that this is not an operation on the basis of open terminals, which the Prime Minister has stated is the determination of Her Majesty's Government? Does he recall that the last time I asked this question the answer he gave was, "Soon"? Does he further remember that negotiations with the trade unions have been proceeding. for over two and a half years? That being the case, can he forecast the date, to the nearest year?


My Lords, I remember all the things that the noble Lord has asked me, because in fact I have looked them up to see what I said last time, and I agree that I said, "Soon". My Lords, "soon" is a word which of course one has to define, and I am not going to define it here. What I am bound to say is that I agree completely with the noble Lord, Lord Conesford, that the sooner we can achieve this the better. There is no sudden, sharp action which the Government can take which will bring it about, but my right honourable friend the Minister of Transport is persisting in her efforts, and indeed met one of the important unions in this connection yesterday. I hope the result of this will become obvious to us in a couple of days. But we are genuinely trying to do this, always having regard to the fact that it is not quite so easy in a democracy as it might be in some other form of society.

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