HL Deb 10 March 1966 vol 273 cc1211-6

Her Majesty's most gracious Speech was then delivered to both Houses of Parliament by the Earl of Listowel (in pursuance of Her Majesty's Command) as followeth:

"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

"My Husband and I would like to thank the many peoples we visited in our delightful Caribbean tour for the warmth of their hospitality.

"My Ministers have participated fully in the work of the United Nations and its specialised agencies. My Government have improved and increased financial and technical aid to developing countries and have joined in international efforts to relieve the current food shortage in India.

"My Ministers have constantly sought means of bringing peace to Vietnam, and stability to South-East Asia.

"In consultation with the Government of British Guiana My Government have concluded an Agreement with Venezuela which will promote good relations between Venezuela and the future independent Guyana.

"My Ministers have sought to make progress towards disarmament, and in particular an international treaty to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

"They have continued to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and other alliances for collective defence, and to work for closer interdependence in the nuclear resources of the Atlantic alliance.

"My Ministers have worked for closer co-operation between the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Community. They have developed personal contacts with the leaders of the Soviet Union and other countries of Eastern Europe.

"They have concluded an Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area with the Republic of Ireland. They have actively promoted the tariff negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and the development of trade within the Commonwealth.

"My Government have vigorously pursued their policy of bringing the illegal régime in Rhodesia to an end so that a peaceful and lasting constitutional settlement, based on the rule of law and acceptable to the Rhodesian people as a whole, can be achieved. This policy received general endorsement at the Meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers at Lagos in January.

"Progress negotiations on constitutional advances for several of our remaining dependent territories.

My Government have announced their plans for meeting the nation's defence needs in the next decade at lower cost, and for reorganising the Army Reserves.

"Members of the House of Commons

"I thank you for the provision you have made for the public services.

"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

"My Government have been carrying through with success policies designed to strengthen sterling and restore the balance of payments. The country's export trade is now greater than ever before. They have put forward proposals for a more positive system of investment incentives designed to stimulate those sectors of the economy which contribute most directly to the balance of payments and to promote expansion in the under-developed regions of Britain. They have introduced new methods of planning and control of public expenditure. They have made proposals for the establishment of an Industrial Reorganisation Corporation and have continued to encourage the use of advanced technology in industry.

"My Government have published plans for the expansion of the Scottish economy. The construction of the Prototype Fast Reactor in Caithness will help to sustain the economy in the Highlands.

"My Government have strongly encouraged the development of industrial training and have announced improved arrangements for training workers in the development districts.

"My Government have developed, in consultation with management and unions, their policy for productivity, prices and incomes. They have introduced a system for advance notification of increases in prices and incomes and put forward proposals for legislation to strengthen it.

"My Government have introduced proposals for the establishment of a Meat and Livestock Commission, for the longer-term development of agriculture, and to empower agricultural wages boards to fix minimum rates of sick pay for agricultural workers. They have announced arrangements to provide investment incentives for agriculture, horticulture and fisheries.

"An Act has been passed to assist the finances of the coal industry and the redeployment of its manpower.

"With a view to ensuring regular employment for dock workers, My Government have put to the industry proposals for a revised statutory dock labour scheme.

"Proposals have been put forward for the establishment of a Land Commission to acquire land for the community and to recover part of the development value realised in land transactions.

"An Act has been passed providing for rate rebates for domestic occupiers of limited means and entitling householders to pay rates by instalments. A scheme has been put forward for progressively increasing Exchequer grants to local authorities to reduce the annual increase in rates on house property.

"My Ministers have announced an enlarged housing programme and a substantial increase in housing subsidies and have further developed their plans to extend owner-occupation by bringing mortgages within the reach of more families. Proposals have been made for legislation to give greater security to occupying leaseholders in England and Wales of residential property with an original long lease and to enable them to acquire the freehold.

"My Government have proposed a measure to strengthen the law protecting consumers by prohibiting misdescriptions of goods and services and to confer power to require that consumers are given information about the goods they buy.

"Proposals have been put before you for requiring the public disclosure of more information by companies, including the disclosure of political contributions.

"Provision has been made for supplementary National Insurance benefits, related to earnings, to be paid in the early stages of sickness, unemployment and widowhood, and for additional benefits to be paid to certain war and industrially disabled pensioners. Plans have been worked out for a Ministry of Social Security and a new scheme of benefits to replace National Assistance. A reciprocal Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Ireland on social security has been signed.

"In consultation with the medical profession, My Ministers have drawn up proposals for reshaping the family doctor service and legislation needed to implement them has been passed.

"A Public Schools Commission has been set up to advise on the best way of integrating the public schools with the State system of education.

"Provision has been made for a pension scheme for teachers' widows in England and Wales.

"An Act has been passed to facilitate revision of the constitution of the older Scottish universities and to provide for separate universities at St. Andrews and Dundee.

"My Government have announced an increase in financial support for the arts. They have put forward proposals for protecting the beauty of the countryside and promoting its enjoyment.

"Legislative proposals have been put before you to promote safety on the roads.

"Proposals have been put forward for reform in the treatment of adult offenders.

"Progress has been made in the systematic reform of the law.

"My Government have announced that decimal currency will be introduced in 1971.

"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

"I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may attend you."

After which the EARL OF LISTOWELsaid:

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, by virtue of Her Majesty's Commission, under the Great Seal, to us and other Lords directed, we do, in Her Majesty's name, and in obedience to Her Majesty's Commands, prorogue this Par liament to *Monday, the 18th day of April next, to be then here holden, and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to *Monday, the 18th day of April next.

End of the Second Session of the Forty-third Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the fifteenth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

[The Parliament was dissolved by Royal Proclamation on Thursday, March 10, 1966.]

*These dates should have been given as Tuesday, the 15th day of March instant.