§ Moved, That a Select Committee be appointed to consider all Special Orders of the present Session; and that the Lords following, with the Chairman of Committees, be named of the Committee:
- D. Atholl,
- M. Willingdon,
- E. Munster,
- V. Soulbury,
- L. Airedale,
- L. Blackford,
- L. Cawley,
- L. Coutanche,
- L. Crawshaw,
- L. Faringdon,
- L. Goddard,
- L. Hughes,
- L. Jessel,
- L. MacAndrew,
- L. Meston,
- L. Morton of Henryton,
- L. Shepherd,
- L. Stonham,
- L. Strang,
- L. Taylor,
- L. Terrington.
§ —(Lord Merthyr.)
§ On Question, Motion agreed to.