HL Deb 23 May 1963 vol 250 cc420-3

My Lords, I should like to inform your Lordships that it is hoped to rise for the Whitsun Recess at the close of business on Thursday, May 30, until Monday, June 17.

I should further like to inform your Lordships that my noble friend Lord Derwent will be making a statement upon GATT at a suitable moment after 3.30 o'clock.

On behalf of my noble friend the Lord President of the Council, I beg to move the Motion standing in his name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That leave be given to advance the Report stage of the Weights and Measures Bill (now standing for Tuesday the 18th of June next) to Monday the 17th of June next.—(Earl St. Aldwyn.)


My Lords, could the noble Earl tell us why the resumption of the House is at an unusual date? I agree that it is arguable how long the Whitsun Recess should be, but in my day in another place it was as usual to have a fortnight and a little more, which I think is very desirable, because Members of Parliament are liable to be short-tempered in June unless we give them a good holiday at Whitsun. Can the noble Earl tell us why we are meeting on the Monday instead of the Tuesday, which is customary after all our Recesses? Can he tell us precisely why he wants this extra day? Is there anything terribly urgent in the public interest that should bring us back a day earlier?


My Lords, Members of the other place are also returning on the Monday and it is normal for us to return on the same day. As the noble Lord is aware, we have a great deal of business to get through, and if the other place returns on Monday it seems very right and proper that we should do so in order that we should complete our business.


My Lords, the noble Earl, if I may say so, is not being quite frank with the House. I suggest that the other House is meeting on Monday because noble Lords opposite want us to meet on Monday. There will not be trouble in the other House, because there is usually a row there on the ground that the Recess is too long. Most of the Members who urge that it be shorter hope to God that the Government will stand firm and keep it long!But it is not the meeting of the other House that has had any effect, though, of course, we ought to meet if the other House des. Why have the Government been taking steps whereby this House shall meet a day earlier? After all, the House has been working pretty hard, and I think that some noble Lords will miss the full week-end which enables them to stay over until Monday before they return to London. Why is the noble Earl doing it?


My Lords, I have some sympathy with the noble Lord. I, too, should prefer to return on the Tuesday. I can assure him that I made no representations to the other House that they should come back on the Monday to suit us. They wish it, and it happens to suit us as well.


My Lords, why does the noble Earl not tell us why it suits us? It does not suit me, for example. Why is he not forthcoming, and why does he not tell the House frankly that we are meeting a day earlier so that he has larger facilities to push this widely unpopular and horrible London Government Bill down our throats? Come on, now; be a man and admit it!


My Lords, with regard to the Weights and Measures Bill, can the noble Earl give an assurance that on the two days concerned there will be adequate time for discussion on the Report stage without its taking us too late in the day? In other words, can he give an assurance that there will not be any other major items of Business on those two days?


My Lords, on Monday the 17th the Weights and Measures Bill will undoubtedly be first Business. It is followed by two Scottish Bills. I understand that they are not likely to take long, and, in any case, they will be coming on after the House has been discussing the Weights and Measures Bill. So far as the Tuesday is concerned, I will look into the position to make sure there is sufficient time for the Weights and Measures Bill.


My Lords, the last time there was a Scottish measure before your Lordships' House I objected because there was a proposal to put it off until the next day. If it will help to meet my noble friend's point, I shall be quite happy for this measure to be taken on the Tuesday.


My Lords, I think we must have something firmer on this. For example, on the Tuesday I think we ought to insist that the Weights and Measures be the first Business again, as it is to be on the Monday. I do not think we have discussed that point through the usual channels. I agree with the arrangement for Monday, and I think it should be the arrangement for Tuesday, too.


My Lords, perhaps we can continue the discussion through the usual channels.


Very well.

On Question, Motion agreed to.