HL Deb 21 February 1963 vol 246 cc1526-8

The Local Government Superannuation Act 1937

1. In Schedule 1, at the end of Part I, there shall be inserted the words— 'A river authority'").—(Lord Hastings.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, in all cases, except in Section 21, where the Water Act, 1945, refers to a "well" it associates the word "borehole". There is no reason why that section should not also refer to both. The fact that it does not has caused doubt which the Amendment will remove. Both the Act of 1945 and the Bill will then consistently refer to both "well" and "borehole" where they appear. I beg to move.

Amendment moved—

Page 122, line 4, at end insert— ("2. In section 21, after the word 'well' in each place where it occurs there shall be inserted the word 'borehole'").—(Lord Hastings.)


My Lords, I wonder whether this Amendment about wells and boreholes has any relevance to the sinking of the heart of the noble Earl at the rising of the noble and learned Viscount, Lord Colville of Culross.

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, this is the new paragraph 6. This Amendment removes from the Town Development Act, 1952, a definition of "river board" which will cease to be relevant. In regard to the new paragraphs 7 and 8, in each case the object of the Amendment is to substitute a reference to "river authority" for a reference to a river board. I beg to move.

Page 122, line 20. at end insert—

("The Town Development Act 1952

6. In section 23, in subsection (2), the following paragraph shall be substituted for paragraph (b)— '(b) the expression "drainage authority" has the meaning assigned to it by the Land Drainage Act 1930'.

The Protection of Birds Act 1954

7. In section 14 (1), in paragraph (c) of the definition of 'authorised person', for the words 'river board constituted under the River Boards Act 1948' there shall be substituted the words river authority'.

The Town and Country Planning Act 1959

8. In Schedule 4, in paragraph 10, for the words 'river board established under the River Boards Act 1948' there shall be substituted the words 'river authority', and in paragraph 11, for the words 'river board' there shall be substituted the words ` river authority'").—(Lord Hastings.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, This Amendment replaces a reference in the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act, 1961, to Section 9 (8) of the River Boards Act, 1948 (repealed by the Bill) by a reference to Clause 102 of the Bill. I beg to move.

Amendment moved—

Page 122, line 34, at end insert— ("13. In section 3, in subsection (3), for the words ` the said subsection (8)' there shall be substituted the words 'section 102 of the Water Resources Act 1963'").—(Lord Hastings.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.


My Lords, this is the new paragraph 15. This Amendment in the Trustee Investments Act, 1961, is consequential upon the Government Amendment after Clause 78. I think the new paragraph 16 is self-explanatory. Paragraph 17 removes a definition of "river board", no longer relevant and paragraph 18 amends Section (14) of the Water Act, 1945, so as to substitute appropriate references to the river authority and its officers instead of the local authority and its officers. I beg to move.

Amendment moved— Page 122, line 37, at end insert—

("The Trustee Investments Act 1961

15. In section 11, in paragraph (a) of subsection (4) after the word 'parish' there shall be inserted the words 'a river authority'.

The Sea Fish Industry Act 1962

16. In section 14, in subsection (1) (b), for the words 'subsection (1) and subsections (4) to (8) of section sixteen, and section seventeen, of the River Boards Act 1948' there shall be substituted the words subsections (1), (3) and (4) of section 99 and subsections (1) to (6) of section 100 of the Water Resources Act 1963'.

The Pipe-Lines Act 1962

17. In section 37, in subsection (4), for the words from the beginning of paragraph (b) to the word 'and' in the second place where it occurs in that paragraph there shall be substituted the words '"river purification authority" means'

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