HL Deb 14 November 1962 vol 244 c605

My Lords, my moble friend the Leader of the House does not propose to move his Motion on the Order Paper, because it has been agreed, through the usual channels, to take the Motion standing in his name, on the setting up of the Tribunal, not as first Business but at a convenient time after half-past three in order not to anticipate proceedings in another place.

I should also like to take this opportunity of letting your Lordships know that my noble friend Lord Derwent proposes to make a statement on the Japanese Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation. I accordingly propose that the debate on the Motion in the name of Lady Burton of Coventry should be adjourned art some convenient moment after half-past three, that we should then take the statement of my noble friend Lord Derwont, followed immediately by the Motion of my noble friend the Leader of the House on the setting up of the Tribunal. On the conclusion of that Business the proceedings on the noble Lady's Motion will be resumed.