HL Deb 05 June 1961 vol 231 c966

2.52 p.m.

Order of the Day for receiving the Report of Amendments read.


My Lords, before I move formally that this Report be now received, I should like to explain to the House that on the Committee stage, at the request of the noble Baroness, Lady Wootton of Abinger, I promised that I would put down an Amendment which would ensure that the parties were given a full explanation of what the tests were all about and what their purpose was, before they were subjected to them; and that this explanation should be read to them by the clerk of the court and would not merely be handed to them on a piece of paper. Following that, I had some talks with the Home Office, and we agreed that it would be better if that were to be done by regulation or by rules which would come under the Bill when it becomes an Act. I have spoken to the noble Baroness about this matter and she has agreed that that procedure would meet the suggestion she made to me. Therefore I have no Amendments to move to the Bill at this stage, and I beg to move that the Report be now received.

Moved, That the Report be now received.—(Lord Amulree.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and Amendments reported accordingly.