HL Deb 09 July 1959 vol 217 cc941-2

My Lords, I beg to ask the second Question standing in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether consent was given by the Ministry of Transport for the road widening at Denmark Hill, S. E. London, for which one of the finest groves of trees in London was destroyed, and a public house built with a car park at the apex of the junction of Denmark and Champion Hills and, within about a hundred yards of the entrance to Ruskin Park; and whether they are aware that this is a busy traffic thoroughfare which is almost certain to prove a danger spot when in full use near to the main entrances of King's College and Maudsley Hospital.]


My Lords, the road widening scheme at Denmark Hill, which was proposed and carried out by the Camberwell Borough Council, was designed to remove a bottleneck on this busy Class 1 road by providing a four-lane carriageway for a length of 750 yards where previously there had been only two lanes. In my right honourable friend's view it should relieve congestion without making the road in any way more dangerous. My right honourable friend made a grant to the Camberwell Borough Council of 75 per cent. of the cost of this road improvement. It was unfortunate that it was necessary to fell some elms, but though they may have appeared attractive, they were in fact diseased and nearing the end of their lives. As it happens, several other trees had to be felled at the same place a short time previously because they had become dangerous. A satisfactory car park is being provided clear of the highway for the public house which is under construction near the junction with Champion Hill.


My Lords, is it not obvious, even to the moat uninformed people, that to place a car park at the exit from a public house, with a beer garden attached, right at the end of a steep motorway, is inviting trouble?


My Lords, I regret to say that it is not my right honourable friend's responsibility. It is the responsibility of the. Camberwell Borough Council and the London County Council.


The Government do not appear to have much responsibility for anything.