HL Deb 20 January 1959 vol 213 c560

My Lords, I have also to acquaint your Lordships' House that by virtue of the power granted to me as Lord Chancellor by the Statute 5, George IV. Chapter 82, Section 3, I have appointed Henry Montagu Burrows, Esquire, C.B.E., to be your Lordships' Reading Clerk and Clerk of Outdoor Committees in the place of Anthony Henry Jeffreys, who has been appointed Clerk Assistant.

I beg to move to resolve, That this House doth approve the appointment of the said Henry Montagu Burrows to be your Lordships' Reading Clerk and Clerk of Outdoor Committees in the place of Anthony Henry Jeffreys, who has been appointed Clerk Assistant.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Resolution agreed to nemine dissentiente.