HL Deb 27 April 1959 vol 215 c987

[The references are to Bill (87) as first printed for the House of Commons.]

Twelfth Schedule, page 255, line 28, leave out ("four") and insert ("two").

Twelfth Schedule, page 255, line 29, after ("publish") insert ("in the London Gazette and").


My Lords, I think that it will be found convenient to consider these Amendments together. They make but a minor change in the manner in which applications for a magistrates' order stopping up or diverting a highway must be advertised. At present these applications must be advertised for four successive weeks in a local newspaper. The Amendments change this to two successive weeks in a local newspaper and two successive weeks, running concurrently, in the London Gazette. This will make it much easier for national bodies to find out where such stoppages of highways have been or are about to be made, so that representations can be made to the suitable authority. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendmeruts.—(Lord Bathurst.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.