HL Deb 27 November 1958 vol 212 c912

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, this is the annual Bill to renew a great multiplicity of laws which would otherwise expire this year. I understand that the noble Viscount, Lord Stansgate, wishes to discuss the law relating to immigration, and that he agrees that the most convenient way would be to put down for the Committee stage an Amendment to the Schedule which continues that law. As I imagine that the same or a similar procedure would probably be more convenient in respect of other points which your Lordships might wish to raise, I shall say nothing now, except to move that the Bill be read a second time.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.—(The Earl of Dundee.)


My Lords. I am grateful to the noble Earl. It is my intention to raise a point on the restriction of immigration of people into this country on account of their real or supposed political or economic opinions. The case I have in mind, of course, although it is now past and finished, is the case of Dr. Niemoeller. But that is only a case in point—the issue is much larger. However, as the noble Earl quite rightly says, the proper course would be to move to omit the Aliens Act from the Schedule. That is what I propose to do, and I thank him.

On Question, Bill read 2a, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House.