HL Deb 22 November 1956 vol 200 c529

My Lords, this Order, which will come into operation on January 1, 1957, amends the Order made a year ago under which levies are imposed on the lace industry to finance the Lace Research Association. The effect of the Order is to adjust the rates of levy to take into account changes in the level of trade. The total sum raised is unaltered. The changes, which are similar to those made in previous years, are being made with the agreement of the employers' associations and the trade unions in the industry and are not controversial. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Draft Lace Industry (Scientific Research Levy) (Amendment) Order, 1956, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Wednesday the 14th instant, be approved.—(Lord Mancroft.)

On Question. Motion agreed to.