HL Deb 26 July 1955 vol 193 cc978-9

My Lords, the present White Fish Subsidy Scheme expires at the end of this month. The purpose of this Scheme is to provide for the subsidy to be continued at the same rate and on the same conditions until next autumn. We shall then have had a chance to discuss with the trawler owners the changes in costs and prices which have occurred since the current Scheme was introduced and which might necessitate an alteration in the rate of subsidy. After the Summer Recess a new Scheme will be laid before your Lordships which will, among other things, take account of the effect on fishing costs of the recent increase in the price of coal. I beg to move.

Moved, That the White Fish Subsidy (United Kingdom) Scheme, 1955, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Wednesday last, be approved.—(Earl St. Aldwyn.)


My Lords, I entirely agree with the noble Earl, Lord St. Aldwyn, that the best thing is to continue the present Scheme for a short period, pending the introduction of another Scheme which will take into account the increased costs which the fishermen have had to bear. At the same time, may I put this question now to the noble Earl? The object of this very considerable subsidy is to enable the inshore, near and middle fishing fleets to modernise their vessels, to substitute oil fuel for coal, and to pay their own way. When the noble Earl introduces the new Scheme, after the Recess, I think it would be interesting to your Lordships if we could have a short account of the degree to which the fishing industry have succeeded in modernising their fleet, thanks to the subsidies which have been paid to date.


My Lords, this Order is not quite what the noble Earl is referring to. I believe he is referring to the Order which I had the honour to move in your Lordships' House a few days ago, which was responsible for giving grants for vessels direct to the fishermen and the trawler owners. I said then that under that Scheme we had dealt with some 30 per cent. of the fleet, but that there was still another 70 per cent. to deal with. If the noble Earl would like further information at a later stage, I will certainly give it to him.


My Lords, with the permission of the House, I should like to apologise to the noble Earl for not being able to put this question last week, as I intended to do, because I was abroad at the time. Nevertheless, if I may, I should like to put it now in order that we may have a fuller statement next time.

On Question, Motion agreed to.