HL Deb 15 December 1955 vol 195 cc185-6

Order of the Day read for the consideration of the Second Report from the Select Committee.

The Committee reported as follows:

1.—WINDOWS OF THE HOUSE The Report from the Sub-Committee on the Windows of the House was laid before the Committee and approved.

2.—HISTORICAL RECORDS The Report from the Sub-Committee on the Housing of Historical Documents in, the Victoria Tower was laid before the Committee and approved.

3.—PAY SUPPLEMENT The Committee sanctioned the application, of Treasury Establishments Circulars No. 30/55 (Increase in Pay Supplement) dated 26th August, 1955, and No. 41/55 (Pay Supplement for Higher Civil Service) dated 30th November, 1955, to the staff of the House of Lords to whom it may be applied.

4 — REVISED SCALES OF PAY The Committee authorised a revised consolidated scale of salary for the Staff Superintendent in the Department of the Lord Great Chamberlain. The Committee also sanctioned the application of Treasury Establishments Circulars No. 24/55 (Pay of Senior and Chief Paper-keepers) dated 14th July, 1955, and No. 27/55 (Pay of Messengerial and Paperkeeping Grades) dated 5th August, 1955, to analogous grades of the staff of the House of Lords.

5.—ALLOWANCES The Committee authorised the payment of annual allowances to the clerk who acts as Secretary to the Clerk of the Parliaments and to the head office assistant.

6.—CLERK IN THE ACCOUNTANT'S OFFICE. The Clerk of the Parliaments informed the Committee that he has appointed Mr. Edward William Field, a clerical officer, to the vacant executive post in the Parliament Office with effect from 1st October, 1955. The Committee approved the salary payable to Mr. Field.

7.—ESTIMATES. The Estimates for the House of Lords for 1956–57 were laid before the Committee and approved.

8.—SENIOR CUSTODIAN—DUE FOR RETIREMENT. The Committee sanctioned a pension and an additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to Mr. Thomas Powell, who attains 65 years of age on 25th December, 1955. The Committee were informed that Mr. Powell is being re-employed as an unestablished Custodian.

9.—R MR EM ENT OF RE-EMPLOYED CUSTODIAN. The Committee sanctioned a revised pension and additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to Mr. Edmund Robert Ellis on his retirement from 9th September, 1955, after re-employment for one year as an unestablished Custodian.

10.—PRINCES' CHAMBER. A suggestion having teen made that the Statue of Queen Victoria would be improved by the removal of the two supporting figures, the Committee recommended that the Ministry of Works be asked through the Lord Great Chamberlain to produce a photograph showing the effect of their removal, and also to give some approximate estimate of the cost.


My Lords, I beg to move that the Second Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices he now considered.

Moved, that the Report be now considered.—(The Earl of Drogheda.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.


My Lords, there is nothing in this Report to which It should draw your Lordships' special attention. I beg to move, therefore, That the Report from the Select Committee on the House of Lords Offices, which is in your Lordships' hands, be now considered and adopted.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to.