HL Deb 22 November 1954 vol 189 c1689

Clause 6, page 5, line 43, after ("packaging,") insert ("wrapping").


My Lords, this Amendment and all the Amendments down to page 6, line 22, add items to the list of matters about which the Ministers may make regulations for securing that food is handled hygienically and for securing that premises in which food is handled are constructed and maintained in a hygienic condition. I do not think any of these matters significantly alters the Bill as it was before your Lordships' House, but they do remove all doubt as to the matters which can be regulated. I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendrnent.—(Lord Carrington.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.