HL Deb 12 May 1954 vol 187 cc539-40

2.35 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to ask Her Majesty's Government the Question of which I have given them private notice. The Question is as follows:

"To ask Her Majesty's Government if they have any statement to make about the holding of public inquiries into the causes of the Comet disasters off Elba and Naples."


My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Lord, Lord Ogmore, for raising this matter. Her Majesty's Government are anxious that public inquiries into the causes of the two Comet disasters should be held as soon as possible. I cannot, however, at this stage indicate the date on which they are likely to begin. Salvage operations are still going on and the examination of the wreckage and the collection and sifting of evidence will necessarily take some considerable time. My noble friend the Paymaster General has already informed the House of the exhaustive technical investigation which is being carried out under the co-ordinating authority of my right honourable friend the Minister of Supply.

As your Lordships know, the appointment of a Commissioner and Assessors to inquire into such matters lies with the Lord Chancellor of the day, and I think it right to inform your Lordships now that, in view of the great importance of these Inquiries. I have came to the conclusion that they should be presided over by a Lord of Appeal, and that the same court should inquire into both cases. I have, accordingly, asked the noble and learned Lord, Lord Cohen, to preside over the court which will conduct the Inquiries into both accidents, and your Lordships will, I know, be glad to hear that he has accepted. The Italian Government, whose assistance has been invaluable in both the Comet accidents, have appointed two accredited representatives, Colonel R. Miniero and Signor R. Roveri, to be present at both Inquiries. The South African Government have appointed Lieutenant-Colonel L. E. Lang and Major J. J. Granzier as accredited representatives at the Inquiry into the Naples accident. The names of the Assessors will be announced later.


My Lords, I am sure that we welcome the announcement made by the noble and learned Lord on the Woolsack that an exhaustive inquiry is to be made into these tragic accidents. We also welcome the name of the noble and learned Lord whom he has appointed to preside over the Inquiries. I am sure that that will give great satisfaction in all parts of the House. I do not think there is anything further I need say at the moment except to wish the Inquiries every possible success.

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