HL Deb 02 March 1954 vol 186 cc28-9

3.55 p.m.

THE LORD ARCHBISIIOP OF CANTERBURY rose to move to resolve, That in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Cathedrals (Grants) Measure, 1954, be presented to Her Majesty for the Royal Assent. The most reverend Primate said: My Lords, this is the first of three Motions standing in my name. It deals with one quite simple point. Under an earlier Cathedrals Measure of 1931 many cathedrals obtained new statutes, and in those statutes was laid down, among other things, the maximum stipend which might be received by the dean and residentiary canons. Those stipends were fixed before the war; and in the case of residentiary canons many are fixed at £600 per annum as the maximum which might be received. Under the same Measure the Church Commissioners are authorised to make grants to cathedrals for the benefit of living agents; and any grants they make go to the cathedral revenues, which are dealt with under these statutes.

Recently there has been expressed a feeling that some of the living agents of our cathedrals were not receiving a sufficient stipend, and at the request of the Church Assembly and by their authorisation the amount which the Church Commissioners could provide for this purpose was increased. Any grant made by the Church Commissioners is paid into the cathedral revenues and becomes subject to its statutes. The dean and chapter can use the increased grant to benefit organists, vergers or cleaners; every living agent except those whose maximum stipend is fixed by statute. Residentiary canons were thus deprived of any chance of getting an increased stipend. This Measure provides that the Church Commissioners can make a direct grant for an increased stipend outside the cathedral revenue, so that it never becomes subject to the maximum laid down in the cathedral statutes. That is the substance of this Bill. The Ecclesiastical Committee entirely approve of it, and I beg to move.

Moved to resolve, that in accordance with the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919, this House do direct that the Cathedrals (Grants) Measure, 1954, be presented to Her Majesty for the Royal Assent.—(The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.)

On Question, Motion agreed to, and ordered accordingly.