HL Deb 23 July 1953 vol 183 c873

THE MINISTER OF STATE, SCOTTISH OFFICE (THE EARL OF HOME) rose to move, That the National Health Service (Scotland) (Superannuation) Amendment Regulations, 1953, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Thursday last, be approved. The noble Earl said; My Lords, these regulations derive from the main regulation that has already been adopted. Their sole purpose is to provide for officers now on the staff of the Ministry of Pensions who will go over to the National Health Service on September 1, and the regulations make the necessary provision by extending to these officers of Service hospitals in Scotland precisely the same conditions as have been given in the past when hospitals were brought into the National Health Service. I am sure the House, will agree that it is very much in the interests of the ex-Service patients that the doctors, nurses and officers who are at present caring for them should continue to do so after September 1; and these regulations will make it quite certain that there can be no obstacles to this on superannuation grounds. I beg to move.

Moved, That the National Health Service (Scotland) (Superannuation) Amendment Regulations, 1953, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Thursday last, be approved.— (The Earl of Home.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.