HL Deb 17 February 1953 vol 180 c474

4.18 p.m.


My Lords, perhaps your Lordships will allow me to interrupt the business for a few moments in order to make a statement which I think is of some importance. It is proposed in another place that on Thursday next a Motion should be tabled—and, I am sure, passed—dealing with the floods, not only in this country but in the other countries which have suffered. The Netherlands, for instance, have suffered far more seriously than we have. It is proposed in another place to table a comprehensive Motion expressing sympathy with those who have suffered and acknowledging their sympathy with us, and also acknowledging and placing on record our deep gratitude for and appreciation of the help and sympathy which has come to us from all quarters abroad and from the Commonwealth.

I felt sure—and I have consulted the Leaders of other Parties, who wholly agree with me—that your Lordships would desire that, When that is done in another place, we should take the opportunity of passing in this House a Motion in the same or similar terms. I propose, therefore, either to-night or to-morrow, to table an appropriate Motion, which will be similar to that which will be tabled in another place and to which I shall ask your Lordships to agree. There was no Business down for Thursday, but I am sure your Lordships would wish to meet for that express purpose on Thursday. I therefore propose that the House should sit on Thursday at four o'clock to consider the Motion which I will table and which I feel sure will receive the full support of all quarters of the House.