HL Deb 10 December 1953 vol 184 cc1171-2

My Lords, I beg to ask Her Majesty's Government two Questions of which I have given private notice. The first Question is: To ask Her Majesty's Government when they expect to end public trading in sulphur and pyrites.


My Lords, I am glad to be able to announce to the House that private trading in sulphur and pyrites will be restored with effect from January 1 next. The arrangements for this, which have been fully discussed with the trade, enable me to remove the remaining statutory controls on sulphur, pyrites and sulphuric acid. I have therefore made the orders necessary to revoke these controls at the end of this year. The Board of Trade will shortly issue a notice about the licensing of private imports of sulphur and pyrites. I should like to take this opportunity of acknowledging the co-operation of the trades concerned and, in particular, the National Sulphuric Acid Association Ltd., which throughout the thirteen years of public trading in sulphur and pyrites has acted for the Ministry as its trading agent. I am grateful to the noble and learned Earl for having given me the opportuntiy of making, this statement.


My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Viscount for the statement which he has made. I may assume, I take it, that the world position in these commodities is now sufficiently good that it is not anticipated that the removal of the present restrictions will lead to a heavy increase, or any increase at all, in prices.


The supply seems to be sufficient to make that unlikely.