HL Deb 10 December 1953 vol 184 cc1231-2

6.28 p.m

Order of the Day for the House to be put into Committee read.

Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into Committee.—(The Earl of Selkirk.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

House in Committee accordingly:

[The EARL OF DROGHEDA in the Chair]

Clauses 1 to 6 agreed to.

Clause 7 [Citation and commencement]:

THE PAYMASTER GENERAL (THE EARL OF SELKIRK) moved, in Clause 7 to leave out "the first day of April, nineteen hundred and fifty-four" and insert such date as the Secretary of State may by statutory instrument appoint.

The noble Earl said: On behalf of my noble friend the Earl of Home I beg to move this Amendment. The effect of it is that, instead of the Bill being brought into operation on the date stated in Clause 7—that is, the first day of April, 1954—it will come into operation on "such date as the Secretary of State may by statutory instrument appoint." The only reason for that is that the Bill may not be on the Statute Book by the first day of April, 1954. If it is, then the Secretary of State will nominate the first day of April as the appointed day. I beg to move.

Amendment moved— Page 4, line 8, leave out ("the first day of April, nineteen hundred and fifty-four") and insert ("such date as the Secretary of State may by statutory instrument appoint").—(The Earl of Selkirk.)

On Question, Amendment agreed to.

Clause 7, as amended, agreed to.

Schedule agreed to.

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