HL Deb 01 November 1951 vol 174 cc2-3

2.25 p.m.


My Lords, I think it will be for the convenience of your Lordships generally if I make a brief announcement on future business.

There will be no meeting of the House for Public Business to-morrow, Friday, and the House will adjourn this afternoon until 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning next, 6th November, when the Royal Commissioners will communicate to Parliament the terms of the King's Speech. When the Commissioners have discharged that duty and retired, the Lord Chancellor will resume the Sitting and, after Prayers, will remain on the Woolsack until 1 p.m. to enable Peers to take the Oath of Allegiance.

The House will reassemble at 2.30 that afternoon, when the Motion for an humble Address of thanks for the gracious Speech will be moved and seconded in the traditional manner. After the speeches of the mover and seconder, the debate on the humble Address will be adjourned to Tuesday, 13th November, by agreement between the Leaders of the Parties, to give time for study of the general debate in another place.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.

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