HL Deb 14 February 1951 vol 170 cc299-300

2.43 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government whether any diplomatic immunities or privileges are still being claimed by and accorded to the Tass Agency, and, if so, at what date this unprecedented position will be terminated.]


My Lords, the Tass Agency in this country was recognised by the Court of Appeal, in the case Krajina v. Tass Agency, to be a Department of the Soviet State and, as such, the Court held that in accordance with an established principle of international law it enjoys in this country immunity from suit. The immunity which the Court held to be enjoyed by the Tass Agency was the immunity of a foreign sovereign State and, as such, should be distinguished from such diplomatic immunities and privileges as are extended to the members of foreign missions. As I announced in this House on November 23, 1949, an Inter-Departmental Committee has been established to consider and report on the whole question of State and diplomatic immunity—this, I need hardly say, covers a wide field. As soon as the Report of this Committee becomes available His Majesty's Government intend to review the situation and consider what action to alter the existing state of affairs is practicable and desirable.


My Lords, I thank the noble and learned Viscount for his reply; but seeing that I raised this matter about fifteen months ago, I earnestly hope that I shall not be kept waiting very much longer for a solution of this particular matter, whatever may happen in the wider field of diplomatic privilege.


My Lords, I hope that a preliminary Report will be ready shortly but it is unlikely that this will be published. It may well be desirable in a matter of this importance to consult with other like-minded Governments before any final Report is published.


May I hope that this consultation with like-minded Governments will be expedited so far as is possible?